Baby Stroller Reviews: Stroller Terminology Guide

Baby Stroller Reviews provides a Baby Stroller Buying Guide, but we don’t want to stop there. We also would like to provide a rudimentary set of terms for the “fathers to be” in understanding the segmented  world of baby strollers. Over the course of the next several weeks we will continue to add to these terms.

Jogging Strollers

There are true Jogging Strollers available, which are typically 3 wheeled strollers with fixed front wheels and extended handles for both grip and leg room.

There are also many other 3 Wheeled Strollers which have a similar look, and which are even called Jogging Strollers by the manufacturers, but whose fine print stipulates that they are not actually designed for jogging.

So if your after a true jogging stroller, ensure they have all the attributes a Jogging Stroller should have. For example: A good Jogging stroller will likely have 16 or 20 inch wheels, a fixed front wheel, or a pivoting wheel which can be locked out for exercise. Hand brakes may also be incorporated into the handle to assist on hilly terrain.

Baby Stroller Reviews suggests not only reading the manufacturers fine print, but maybe more importantly reading the consumer reviews to determine faults which might undermine the exercise effort.

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