Product Review: Chicco Keyfit Caddy Stroller Frame
Company: Amazon
Price Range: $50 - $100
Consumer Feedback: Read Amazon Consumer Reviews on the Chicco Keyfit Caddy Stroller Frame
Who Would Buy This: Those shopping for a lightweight, compact stroller frame which is compatible with a Chico Keyfit Infant car seat. This suits newborns in particular who are not yet ready for a full-size stroller.
The Chicco Keyfit Caddy Stroller Frame incorporates several good design aspects which makes it practical for busy parents. For instance, its lightweight aluminium frame makes it incredibly easy to lift up as well as easy to push one-handed.
This stroller was exclusively designed to be used with a Chico KeyFit Infant Car Seat. Thanks to its click-in car seat attachment, attaching the car seat to the caddy is quick and easy. Plus its audible click means you know exactly when the car seat is properly secure.
The height adjustable handle provides a choice of four height positions so you can attain a comfortable setting for your height so you can stroll in comfort.
There is a quick one-hand fold feature which lets you fold-up the stroller quickly with ease. Once folded, the stroller is self-standing which is pretty handy for when it comes to storing it.
As standard, all-wheel suspension is fitted to provide shock absorption so the ride is smooth for your little one even over rougher surfaces.
A nice extra-large storage basket is included which can be accessed either the front or rear of the stroller. The front access is done via a zipper. There is also a parent tray at a convenient height which includes two cup holders and a little storage compartment in the centre.
This isn’t designed for off-road use so you’ll need to keep off gravelly surfaces in the urban jungle.
Guarantee: 1-year warranty.
The KeyFit Caddy is an awesome carrier with the reliance of it being made by a well renowned brand in the world of baby gear.
Its lightweight design and easy fold makes it a convenient solution for busy parents of all heights who want a nimble, easy to manoeuvre stroller they can rely on. Its handling is also up to par with the best carriers out there. Just don’t expect to use this on all-terrains and you’ll be well pleased with this model.